Thursday, March 4, 2010

STOP drama START love

A couple of weeks ago I decided to take on this challenge from my youth pastor. He challenged me and couple of other girls to go 6 weeks without drama. My first reaction was that it was impossible. Who has ever heard of a girl with absolutely no drama!? We kept talking about it, and it just sounded so good. Like what if you could go through a day where no one talked bad about you, but if they did it was all good things. Where instead of putting people down and making yourself feel better, you encouraged. What if you backed down from a fight. Someone is trying to egg you on and get you all riled up, but you say, "Hey buddy it's all good. I love you." Just think how much more love there would be in the world. How much better you would feel. But the world is not perfect and you're going to mess up. But the best thing about it is when you mess up you learn from your mistakes, and the more you keep up with no drama, the more it will become a habit.

It's going to be hard. You can't talk to your friends about "that girl/boy". You cant talk down to a person. You can not make someone the butt of your jokes. You can not create drama with another. You can not make someone feel less about themselves. You can not dis include someone. You can not say, "Ha oh yeah I hate you so much...Just kidding you know I love you." Because you still implied it. Why would you say something so mean, but you're kidding? What's the point? Why make someone feel bad for two seconds and then try and cover it up by "you're just kidding". It does not work that way. But instead of seeing this as all the stuff you can not do. Look at it as all the stuff you can do. You can make someone feel really good about themselves. You can encourage someone. You can start a movement. When your friends are seeing you act a different way,and treating people with respect--They will have more respect for you, and want to act the way they see you acting. They will see you grow as a person. You will be able to become someone that isn't known for being a mean, dramatic, rude person. You will be known as a person who is always nice to people and does not start drama with anyone.

This no drama is always easier to do to the people you love, but even harder to the people you do not like. The ones that you love hating, because you make yourself feel like you're better than them. Those people are the ones that you will be struggle with. To love someone when all they're doing is trying to put you down. Or the people that get on your last nerves. Why do they get on your last nerves? You compare yourself to them, and in your head you are better than them. But we are all equal in God's eyes. This will be hard. You will mess up. You just have to have the will to keep trying, and the apologies to keep coming.

So I give you this challenge just like my youth pastor gave to me. Are you up to the challenge?
^We're super excited for no drama.


lizz said...

get it girrrrrrrrrrl :) i am so proud of you.
we're gunna grow so much in this. stay strong.
love you kaaaaaaat :)

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I'm your average Midwest teenager trying to get through life without too many bumps and bruises. Follow me on my daily adventures(:

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