Tuesday, March 2, 2010

We Don't Strive to Become Clark Kent

Who you are as a person is always changing. A big change, like going from being depressed to seeing life in a whole different way or a small change where instead of eating lucky charms for breakfast you decide to eat smore poptarts--Either way you are changing.

I've changed as a person so many times in my life that I can not even recall most of the times. I like to compare it to Clark Kent/Superman. Most people would say these are the two same people. Yes in the bodily way--correct, but think--isn't Clark different when he is superman. Superman is so much more of a brave, outgoing, and strong(physically & mentally. Ha!) type of person compared to Clark. Who in reality is just a shy and overlooked type of man. When someone asks you who you want to be, you do not say, "Oh yeah I want to be that Clark Kent guy." You go for the more liked, more attractive, more well known guy. You pick superman.

So when we as humans are developing and growing as people in who we are, we have to think. Who do we want to become? And also how are you going to become that person you want to be?

The people you surround yourself with influence you more than you realize. Yes, your parents are right. No matter how much you want to disagree with them. I know I was in the same boat. I had a friend who for about 6 months of my life was taking me down the wrong path. My mom kept telling me not to hang out with the girl. That she was bad news. I eventually realized who I was becoming, and it was not superman. It was more of the scary looking penquin guy. I now surround myself with friends who I can count on, and challenge me to make the right decisions in life. You can not go through life all by yourself. We as humans desire the need for relationships, and why settle for a relationship that is going to make you seem like the villian, in all those DC comics. Your friends are the one's who you see everyday. They're the ones that help or hinder you. They are the ones you see, and model yourself after without even realizing it. Your best friend, your boyfriend/girlfriend, the group of friends you choose to hangout with on the weekends. They are the ones you try to impress. We all do it. We all go out on a limb and want our friends to like us for who we are. We all want to be liked. Not saying that we will change who we are, just so our friends like us. But the opinion of your friends matter. So ask yourself this question.
Are your friends helping you to become the superman you want to be?


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I'm your average Midwest teenager trying to get through life without too many bumps and bruises. Follow me on my daily adventures(:

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