Thursday, March 4, 2010

If They Rip You to Shreds and Eat You, You Don't Become a Zombie

I act like the biggest four year old sometimes. I like to wrap my self up in blankets and sit up right next to the TV. I get really excited about candy necklaces. I dance in the streets. I jam out to Disney songs in my car. I show my boyfriend that little puppy face all the time. I even throw tantrums in those moments when I'm feeling moody.

Last night I acted like the biggest kid ever! My boyfriend, his friend, and I were all walking out of church when I decided to start hitting my boyfriend with my lanyard that was attached to my keys. He got all riled up and acted like he was going to do it to me. So I start running to my car and get in and lock it so they are not able to come in, but my boyfriend and his friend decide to become zombies. And not the really dumb looking zombies who just moan and groan, but they started walking all funny and charging at me. Let just say these two are really well informed on Zombies, and were able to pull off a full impression. I decide to play along, like the four year old I am. I start driving around the parking lot like a maniac. I would drive up really close to them and when I would get to close I would swerve into safeness. After a couple of minutes of this I decide to make it even more interesting. I parked right next to a car, got out and if you know anything about zombie movies that is the one thing you are not suppose to do. My plan was to get out without them noticing and hide underneath the truck I was parked next to. But they were too close and I heard the grunting coming closer. So I took off into a sprint, but this is where it came real for me. I was no longer playing along in their little game. I was running for my life. I was sprinting for the church, and I was not going to look back at my boyfriend who was sprinting towards me grunting like a zombie. I start imaging all these crazy stuff, and it becomes real to me. It felt like I was actually running away from a zombie. (They are really well informed on zombies. )
Once I get into the church my boyfriend and his friend do not come to the church instead they turn around and go to my car. And then shooot! I just remember...
My car is not locked. So I sprint up the stairs where I know people will be. Once I get there I'm so out of breathe trying to tell my story, when Michelle says, "How do you become a Zombie?" And me being so well informed, because I watch zombie movies with my boyfriend on a daily basis that I tell her. If they rip you to shreds and eat you, you do not become a zombie, but if they just bite you and move on to something else, you become a zombie.

So this is what I get for acting like a four year old. I end up scaring the crap out of myself.
And do not worry this story ends with me returning to my car and they some how become all good again, and then when we are all in the car they attack me Ha! I think my boyfriend is as much as a four year old I am!


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United States
I'm your average Midwest teenager trying to get through life without too many bumps and bruises. Follow me on my daily adventures(:

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