Friday, March 12, 2010

The Disgusting Media

I am constantly surrounded by the media which likes to portray women as items and just something for guys to sexually lust after. The media would rather choose to put a girl half naked in front of a brand new mustang instead of say a puppy or a guy in a suit.

They pick the girl, because she catches the eyes of the girls and the guys. The guys see this beautiful woman who is nearly undressed in front of their very own eyes, and the girls see an image that they think is beautiful and compare to their own image. The girls see this image as what everyone should look like or want to. The media does not even portray the woman's real image. They alter it to make look as perfect as it can be.

This makes it very difficult for guys to fight off temptation--if every where they look is an half naked woman. Even the most loyal, nice, and sweet guys, will stumble when he sees these images.

Girls are constantly comparing their image to every other girl already, they do not need to have the images of unrealistic women surrounding them 24/7. The girls see the reactions that the guys get from these images, and see what is lusted after. The girls go insane in their minds to become an image that the media is portraying instead of loving what God gave them

You see these images in almost every TV show, movie, music videos, CD covers, magazines, and advertisement. The media is ruining our guys and girls.



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