Thursday, March 18, 2010

High School Homework- yuck

Teenagers spend most of their life in high school hanging with friends, staying up late, and doing loads of homework. The amount of homework we do is unnecessary. We go through an 8hr day, come home or go to after school activities and then spend hours of our time doing homework.
-And on most nights I do not even get to go to bed until one o'clock in the morning. I am constantly studying for tests, doing infinite amounts of worksheets, and lengthy papers. There is never a rest until we get a break at Christmas, in April, and for the summer. Yet, even then we are usually assigned big projects to keep us occupied. ( Like we don't already have enough to do)

One of my teachers says that her students are only suppose to spend thirty minutes a night for her class. Yet, she assigns a homework packet that you have two weeks to complete, notes that are due weekly, worksheets that you get daily, and you have at least one research paper per quarter. With all of this combined I do not think her mathematics skills are up to par. Thirty minutes to complete these things is unrealistic. This is only one of my classes, I have seven more.

I am not complaining I just believe that the work that is put on students is incredibly difficult, and sleep is usually lost on a daily basis.

The stress of school has made me lose my mind. I decided to take a nap today for about thirtyish minutes. I did not actually believe it would be thirty minutes or so, but I did not care enough to get up and set an alarm, so I closed my eyes. When I woke up it was abrupt. I got up so confused and flustered--the clock had said it was six. I thought I had slept until the morning. I got up so mad at myself for sleeping and not getting any of my homework done. But, the weird part was that it was really bright outside. I decided to sprint down the stairs and look at the clocks down there, because I did not believe any of the clocks in my room were telling me the truth.-- it was just too bright outside, it felt like it was noon. I asked my mom what time it was and she looked like I was crazy, because I was all frantic. I realized that it was not 6:00 a.m. but actually 6:00 p.m, and then I proceeded to go upstairs and start on my homework.

This is what has happened, because the result of the lack of sleep. I blame my teachers and the amount of homework I get bombarded with.


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I'm your average Midwest teenager trying to get through life without too many bumps and bruises. Follow me on my daily adventures(:

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