Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Jealousy- is an emotion and typically refers to the negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, and anxiety over an anticipated loss of something that the person values, such as a relationship, friendship, or love. Jealousy often consists of a combination of emotions such as anger, sadness, and disgust.

I have to work with jealousy on a daily basis. It is one of the hardest things to try and ignore. You see a girl in the hallway that is just drop dead gorgeous, and you compare what you look like to their appearance. Then you are filled with sadness, because to you, your appearance does not even compare and you automatically want to look like her. Another example is when you see a girl flirting all over your man. The "anger" jealousy sets in. All your thoughts surround the fact that you just want to physically hurt this girl, but then you realize that your boyfriend is just letting her flirt with him (he probably does not even realize what this girl is doing) So you start becoming sad, and once this phase passes it's on to disgust. This happens to guys too.

Jealousy has become just a normal thing with people that they do not even realize they are harping on the stuff they do not have instead of being happy for what they do have. I realize this is easier to say then actually put in motion. You can always say that you are going to be less critical on yourself, but you have to actually believe it if you want to change how you think and feel.

Ever since my boyfriend and I hit the point where we decided not to make out I have noticed myself getting more and more jealous of every girl who walks in his vicinity. It's become so bad that I am always thinking the worst. For example when he told me that his work schedule got changed I automatically thought that it was because the girl he works with wanted him to work when she works, even though I knew that was the most bizarre thought ever. So it just goes to show you how much jealousy can control your thoughts, and I personally think that to stop being jealous you have to convince yourself that you are exactly the way God intended you to be and deep down you are beautiful. It sounds incredibly cheesy, and something your mother would tell you, but it is true.

The jealousy about other girls going after your girlfriend/boyfriend--just think the only reason you two are together is because you both keep choosing to stay with each other. So to be jealous of another girl/boy because they are all over your person just say to yourself he is choosing to be with me, not her/him. This way you wont let the jealous thoughts run your life (:


Rachel said...

hey k@,
once again you were totally genuine and i loved it. you put things into words well. My favorite parts were:

"Jealousy has become just a normal thing with people that they do not even realize they are harping on the stuff they do not have instead of being happy for what they do have."

I want to focus more on this myself! Thanks for the encouragement.

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I'm your average Midwest teenager trying to get through life without too many bumps and bruises. Follow me on my daily adventures(:

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