Saturday, March 27, 2010

Fight or Flight?

When you are in a relationship with someone you have to decide many times throughout your relationship if it is worth it to have a fight or if it is even worth fighting about.

Fight or Flight. If you two are fighting about the fact on who should pick the movie or what you guys should do that night, I would suggest you flight. But if you two are fighting about how each of you treat each other, I suggest you talk it out.

It's all based on if you think it is worth it enough--If what you guys are fighting about in the end really matters. I know that with my boyfriend if I feel that something is wrong I will convince myself to tell him, and if I think it's not worth it then I will not. You see with me, I have a really hard time talking about certain things with him. Like bringing it up takes me forever. We will just sit for like 5 minutes until I get the courage to tell him. So I know if it's worth it I will tell him, because why would I go through being vulnerable when it's unnecessary.

I will admit I have fought about the unnecessary stuff all the time, but I am trying to let it go. Trying to choose between the things I feel that are important. The things that are important that can better our relationship. Because as girls, we can sometimes blow things out of proportion, yet we think they are justifiable, because we either feel insecure, angry, hormonal, stressed, jealous, or just even sad. We have to look at the bigger picture. We have to fight for what is right. Choose your battles, and in the end the things you stick up for should better your relationship, or let you know what you want in a girl/guy.


jordan said...

hmm blowing things our of proportion..
i remember something like this from podz! hah ;]

Rachel said...

you once again put it into words well!

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