Monday, March 29, 2010

Top Ten

Top Ten Things a Girlfriend Would Love to Hear
1. Who is Megan Fox?
2. You look beautiful.
3. I love your family
4. You look good in anything
5. I was thinking about you
6. I will buy you food.
7. God was showing off when he created you
8. I will protect you
9. I trust you
10. What love handles?
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Fight or Flight?

When you are in a relationship with someone you have to decide many times throughout your relationship if it is worth it to have a fight or if it is even worth fighting about.

Fight or Flight. If you two are fighting about the fact on who should pick the movie or what you guys should do that night, I would suggest you flight. But if you two are fighting about how each of you treat each other, I suggest you talk it out.

It's all based on if you think it is worth it enough--If what you guys are fighting about in the end really matters. I know that with my boyfriend if I feel that something is wrong I will convince myself to tell him, and if I think it's not worth it then I will not. You see with me, I have a really hard time talking about certain things with him. Like bringing it up takes me forever. We will just sit for like 5 minutes until I get the courage to tell him. So I know if it's worth it I will tell him, because why would I go through being vulnerable when it's unnecessary.

I will admit I have fought about the unnecessary stuff all the time, but I am trying to let it go. Trying to choose between the things I feel that are important. The things that are important that can better our relationship. Because as girls, we can sometimes blow things out of proportion, yet we think they are justifiable, because we either feel insecure, angry, hormonal, stressed, jealous, or just even sad. We have to look at the bigger picture. We have to fight for what is right. Choose your battles, and in the end the things you stick up for should better your relationship, or let you know what you want in a girl/guy.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Excruciating Pain From Being an Athlete

I consider myself an athlete- someone who pushes until they break, someone who tries their hardest, someone who will go through angonizing pain just to get better at what they do, someone who enjoys running around and getting sore in areas that were never meant for you to get sore. I am an athlete.

It was the first day of tryouts and we got an email telling us to bring our tennis shoes instead of our cleats...this is when I began to worry. The day before I had just fell off my longboard on the the concrete--that was not forgiving. I had a huge gash on both of my hands, down my side, and on my elbow. I kept on riding after that. The day of tryouts my legs were so sore from the whole day of longboarding before.

When I heard that we needed to only bring out tennis shoes I knew we would be only running. We started off with a mile and a half. All I wanted to do was give up and walk. Just stop running. It would have been so easy. It had been the thing I wanted most to do, but I did not do it. I kept running, I pushed through, because I knew that in the end I would be so proud of myself for not stopping. That even though I was going what felt like hell now, that I was able to push through and conquer that run. the rest of that practice we conditioned. The next was the same thing, but ten times worse, because my legs were sore from the day before. Yesterday was the first day we actually touched a soccer ball. I am so sore, but so proud of myself for all the hardwork i've done. These are the benefits of being an athlete.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Free Pizza For a Year

So my boyfriend told me about the Toppers opening up across the street from his work, and the first 50 people who buy something from them on opening day get free pizza for a year! I got really excited, who would not want free pizza!? I decided to tag along and sleep at Toppers!

Yesterday I had early release from school. So after school I met up at Toppers with my boyfriend, and his friend Nick. They were already there, because he does not have a 7th hour. So we ended up being the second group. There was a group before us and they had stayed there since the day before.
The weather outside was beautiful. It was probably about 40-50 degrees outside, and the sun was shining!--I tell you this, because later in the story you will be shocked.

A little bit later when other people started to arrive around 1 o'clock we started a soccer game with a bunch of the people in line. It was a lot of fun, because you met knew people and at this point the first four groups were the only people there. We got to know the first three groups really well. We met Jordan who was 39, His friend Joey, Wisconsin (that's what we called him), This guy who had blond hair, Ci Ci, her boyfriend Jake, Lizzie, and Katie.

We played so many sports, football, soccer, volleyball, Hacky Sack, baseball, kickball, and ghost-n-the-graveyard. It would get really intense.

After awhile more and more people started showing up. Everyone had tents set up, because of the weather warning. At nine DJ Jay showed up, and by this time the older guys have been drinking. During the Cupid Shuffle this guy knocks down Jordan and Wisconsin's drinks, and all the yuck spilled right in front of my tent. I had to clean it all up, and This guy who knocked it down had been getting high all day. So he was out of it.

That guy ended up getting in trouble. My boyfriend, Nick, and I were in Ci Ci's tent playing cards when we all heard something going down. We are all looking out the tent when we see three cop cars, the high guy getting dragged out of his car into a cop car, and Joey on the ground. There was so much commotion. We ended up getting out of the tent and watching the rest of it. While the high guy was sitting in the cop car he kept blowing kisses to Ci Ci and me, and I just laughed the whole time he was doing this, because it was kind of comical. This guy thought he was really cool and that he was capable of gaming while he was sitting in a cop car.

At twelve the Toppers Guy brought out pizza for everyone. Then My boyfriend, Nick, and I decided to go into our tent, because it was raining. As we were laying, we would have conversations with the tent to the left of us, and to the right of us, you could hear a little bit of the couple doing the nasty deed. I just droned them out and went to bed.

In the morning we literally woke up to a winter-NOT-a wonderland. It had just been 50 degrees yesterday and now it was snowing! Everywhere there was a good foot of snow! We then realize that during the night some people tried to cut in line and say they were first. There was a sign that said the line needed to start going to the right, but the Toppers guy said, the day before that, the line needed to go to the left, because he did not want to block the entrance to Quick Trip. The people ended up having to go to the end of the line. Everyone sang, "Nanana Na Nanana Na, hey hey...goodbye!", as they were walking to the back of the line.

When there was one hour left, we all had to get into a straight file line. I ended up being the 9th person in line, and proceeded to be the 9th person to order something from the Kenosha Toppers.

It was awesome. I would do it all over again. It was good to meet new people and experience all the four seasons in one whole day. I recommend that if you have a Toppers opening anywhere near you, you choose to participate in the overnight excurtion!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

High School Homework- yuck

Teenagers spend most of their life in high school hanging with friends, staying up late, and doing loads of homework. The amount of homework we do is unnecessary. We go through an 8hr day, come home or go to after school activities and then spend hours of our time doing homework.
-And on most nights I do not even get to go to bed until one o'clock in the morning. I am constantly studying for tests, doing infinite amounts of worksheets, and lengthy papers. There is never a rest until we get a break at Christmas, in April, and for the summer. Yet, even then we are usually assigned big projects to keep us occupied. ( Like we don't already have enough to do)

One of my teachers says that her students are only suppose to spend thirty minutes a night for her class. Yet, she assigns a homework packet that you have two weeks to complete, notes that are due weekly, worksheets that you get daily, and you have at least one research paper per quarter. With all of this combined I do not think her mathematics skills are up to par. Thirty minutes to complete these things is unrealistic. This is only one of my classes, I have seven more.

I am not complaining I just believe that the work that is put on students is incredibly difficult, and sleep is usually lost on a daily basis.

The stress of school has made me lose my mind. I decided to take a nap today for about thirtyish minutes. I did not actually believe it would be thirty minutes or so, but I did not care enough to get up and set an alarm, so I closed my eyes. When I woke up it was abrupt. I got up so confused and flustered--the clock had said it was six. I thought I had slept until the morning. I got up so mad at myself for sleeping and not getting any of my homework done. But, the weird part was that it was really bright outside. I decided to sprint down the stairs and look at the clocks down there, because I did not believe any of the clocks in my room were telling me the truth.-- it was just too bright outside, it felt like it was noon. I asked my mom what time it was and she looked like I was crazy, because I was all frantic. I realized that it was not 6:00 a.m. but actually 6:00 p.m, and then I proceeded to go upstairs and start on my homework.

This is what has happened, because the result of the lack of sleep. I blame my teachers and the amount of homework I get bombarded with.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Jealousy- is an emotion and typically refers to the negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, and anxiety over an anticipated loss of something that the person values, such as a relationship, friendship, or love. Jealousy often consists of a combination of emotions such as anger, sadness, and disgust.

I have to work with jealousy on a daily basis. It is one of the hardest things to try and ignore. You see a girl in the hallway that is just drop dead gorgeous, and you compare what you look like to their appearance. Then you are filled with sadness, because to you, your appearance does not even compare and you automatically want to look like her. Another example is when you see a girl flirting all over your man. The "anger" jealousy sets in. All your thoughts surround the fact that you just want to physically hurt this girl, but then you realize that your boyfriend is just letting her flirt with him (he probably does not even realize what this girl is doing) So you start becoming sad, and once this phase passes it's on to disgust. This happens to guys too.

Jealousy has become just a normal thing with people that they do not even realize they are harping on the stuff they do not have instead of being happy for what they do have. I realize this is easier to say then actually put in motion. You can always say that you are going to be less critical on yourself, but you have to actually believe it if you want to change how you think and feel.

Ever since my boyfriend and I hit the point where we decided not to make out I have noticed myself getting more and more jealous of every girl who walks in his vicinity. It's become so bad that I am always thinking the worst. For example when he told me that his work schedule got changed I automatically thought that it was because the girl he works with wanted him to work when she works, even though I knew that was the most bizarre thought ever. So it just goes to show you how much jealousy can control your thoughts, and I personally think that to stop being jealous you have to convince yourself that you are exactly the way God intended you to be and deep down you are beautiful. It sounds incredibly cheesy, and something your mother would tell you, but it is true.

The jealousy about other girls going after your girlfriend/boyfriend--just think the only reason you two are together is because you both keep choosing to stay with each other. So to be jealous of another girl/boy because they are all over your person just say to yourself he is choosing to be with me, not her/him. This way you wont let the jealous thoughts run your life (:
Monday, March 15, 2010

Avoid a Fight

Top Ten Ways to Avoid a Fight With a High School Girlfriend
1. Do not tell your girlfriend that some girl looks good in an outfit.

2. When your girlfriend is eating a doughnut, do not tell her doughnuts make people fat.

3. When you two are playing video games against each other, and you are dominating her because it is her first time--let her win sometimes.

4. When she wants to talk to you about something, actually have a conversation and pay attention. Stop trying to change the subject.

5. When you guys are arguing lighten it up with a joke, but be understanding with what she has to say.

6. When the scandalous women on the TV come on--Victoria Secret models, Turn towards her & look at her instead.

7. Do not always make fun of what she does.

8. Call her, if you said you would. No, the accuse "You Forgot" will not fly.

9. Do not constantly talk about yourself, she had a day too.

10. If you two are somewhere at a place hanging out with people, and you are about to leave--say goodbye. She is not just any ole person, she deserves to be recognized
Sunday, March 14, 2010

I've Decided

I've Decided I want to skip the High School phase all together. I want to go straight to college. I've always just naturally thought this since I've started high school, but yesterday and today I realized that college is where I want to be.

This weekend I had a road trip with my sister and my brother-in-law. We went to go visit my brother who just so happens to live in Madison, which is one of my choices for college. After a night of fun, in the morning we decided to walk around and check out the campus. It was sweet. We saw the dorms, cool buildings where I might potentially be taking classes, sweet long boarding trails, and etc. It was just a really cool campus, and it is located near state street where most of the buisnesses and cool places where college kids can just hangout are located.
Looking at where I might possibly be going for school got me thinking. I thought about what my life would be, where I would go on a regular basis, What I would do, and How it would be living on my own.

I just think that it would be so cool to just leave high school at this moment, yet still know everything that I could in the four years and just leave for college. That we could skip all of the high school drama, homework, late nights, and living with the rents. I just want to be on my own and start in the real world. Yet, I know God has a plan for everything, and these last two high school years are worth something, and are his plans for me. So I will just look forward to the furture, and stay content on the present.
Friday, March 12, 2010

The Disgusting Media

I am constantly surrounded by the media which likes to portray women as items and just something for guys to sexually lust after. The media would rather choose to put a girl half naked in front of a brand new mustang instead of say a puppy or a guy in a suit.

They pick the girl, because she catches the eyes of the girls and the guys. The guys see this beautiful woman who is nearly undressed in front of their very own eyes, and the girls see an image that they think is beautiful and compare to their own image. The girls see this image as what everyone should look like or want to. The media does not even portray the woman's real image. They alter it to make look as perfect as it can be.

This makes it very difficult for guys to fight off temptation--if every where they look is an half naked woman. Even the most loyal, nice, and sweet guys, will stumble when he sees these images.

Girls are constantly comparing their image to every other girl already, they do not need to have the images of unrealistic women surrounding them 24/7. The girls see the reactions that the guys get from these images, and see what is lusted after. The girls go insane in their minds to become an image that the media is portraying instead of loving what God gave them

You see these images in almost every TV show, movie, music videos, CD covers, magazines, and advertisement. The media is ruining our guys and girls.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My Consistent Boyfriend Continued...

I think the best part about mine and my boyfriend's relationship is that we are both Christ Believers. We go to the same youth group, and enjoy the same things. We make our relationship based on Christ. We've decided that we do not want to engage in the physical side of a relationship. He decided after awhile that when you make out with someone you are making out with someone's wife or husband, and that there are way to many temptations. I agree yet it is not the easiest thing being surrounded by the media where sex is the only thing they advertise, and where you are constantly surrounded by high schoolers who are all over each other. But it is probably the healthiest thing for our relationship. We do not have that physical temptation that can screw up a healthy relationship. We do not have all the drama. We are just two people who enjoy each other's company, like each other, and just want to learn from one another.

I am so grateful to have a guy like him. My relationship is the best. I love being with him. He is my best friend, and I would not want to be with anybody else right now.

My Life With a Consistent Boyfriend in High School

I see High School relationships as a way to get to know each other, and learn about yourself. Also, to help each other grow closer to God.

In my relationship with my boyfriend we are constantly learning from one another. He helps me become the best person I can be, and I hope that I am doing the same. I've learned so much about myself. I learned about my weaknesses, strengths, insecurities, and what I want out of a relationship. He helps me strengthen my relationship with Jesus and we keep each other accountable.

I do not feel that high school relationships need to be so serious with all the I love you stuff. I mean for some people, they are maybe, at that point in their relationship. I have a friendship love for my boyfriend, and I like him a lot. But it is not at the I love you-so I want to be with you forever stage. High school relationships are a place to get to know each other, and find out more about yourself and the person you are dating. If it lasts beyond high school you are moving into the I love you, and I want to be with you for forever stage.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I Want The 90's Back

  • I want the 90's back with all the old cartoons, boy bands, and being extremely little.
  • I want Hey Arnold, Wild Thornberry , Rugrats ,CatDog, Johnny Bravo, and Tom & Jerry!
  • I want NSYNC , Brittney Spears, Backstreet Boys, 98 Degrees, and The Spice Girls.
  • I want to run around in crazy looking flower patterned dresses and playing barbies.
  • I want to play house again.
  • I want to go outside and make up extravagant stories about pirates and play along with friends.
  • I want to go outside and make fake house with chalk in the subdivision.
  • I want it to be back where the guys cared less about girls and more about Pokemon.
  • I want recess.
  • I want 4 hour naps during the day.
  • I want to be the little kid again where you snuggle right up in between mom and dad.
  • I want no homework or huge research papers.
  • I want little kid drama instead of high school drama. Where instead of your friend backstabbing you, you two fight over which had the better Bratz doll.
  • I want to be a little kid all over again.
Monday, March 8, 2010

I'm Glad For What I have

I see these pictures and realize what I have is soo good. && that I'm lucky to be who I am. Lets this remind us that there are way more less unfortunate people out there, and lets keep them on our hearts and in our prayers.

I did not take any of these photos, I uploaded them from google.
Sunday, March 7, 2010


I learned about this new adventure I am going to go on this summer. It's called OUTWARD BOUND. I'm pretty excited, but part of me is really reluctant though. Outward Bound is where for three weeks you go and experience the outdoors like never before. You do this by rock climbing, white water rafting, and backpacking. This all sounds like so much fun. To just go and forget about the stress of life and enjoy what the outdoors have to offer. Wouldn't that be freaking sweet to say," Yeah I totally beasted that mountain and those rapids, pfft they were easy!" I mean this is not for everyone. You defintally have to have a certain interest to get excited to go and be gone for so long to go on this trip.I just think this experience would be worth while. You go there not knowing anyone, and having to make all these new bonds with people. You develop certain leadership skills and abilities you never knew you had. I really want to go,but
Part of me does not want to miss hanging out with my friends all summer.

I'm gone for a week in June, a week in July, and I'm back for a day and then leave for three weeks. When I get back from Outward Bound, volleyball for high school starts. So I only have about 5 weeks of summer where I'm home and can do whatever. Yeah I get to go to camp VCBC, a missions trip to Arizona, and now this Outward Bound experience this summer, but I'm going to miss my friends. Especially my boyfriend, who I know wants me to go on this trip because it would be so cool. Part of me just want to stay and hangout with everyone. Like summer is my time to relax, be home, hangout with friends, and stay up late. I do not have to worry about school.
I'm just torn, but I know that I will end up going on this trip. I just need to tell myself it is just one summer out of your whole life. Three weeks out of all the other thousands of weeks I will have. Yet these three will be amazing, and something that when I'm older and look back I will be so happy that I did this.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

My Current Favorites

These are all my current Favorite things. I hope you enjoy (:

My Favorite Songs in Order:

My Current Favorite Artist:
This is my friend Katie Lafond && I love her!(:

My Current Favorite TV Show:
My Current Favorite Go To Snack:
My Current Favorite Time Of The Day:
My Current Favorite Liquid:

STOP drama START love

A couple of weeks ago I decided to take on this challenge from my youth pastor. He challenged me and couple of other girls to go 6 weeks without drama. My first reaction was that it was impossible. Who has ever heard of a girl with absolutely no drama!? We kept talking about it, and it just sounded so good. Like what if you could go through a day where no one talked bad about you, but if they did it was all good things. Where instead of putting people down and making yourself feel better, you encouraged. What if you backed down from a fight. Someone is trying to egg you on and get you all riled up, but you say, "Hey buddy it's all good. I love you." Just think how much more love there would be in the world. How much better you would feel. But the world is not perfect and you're going to mess up. But the best thing about it is when you mess up you learn from your mistakes, and the more you keep up with no drama, the more it will become a habit.

It's going to be hard. You can't talk to your friends about "that girl/boy". You cant talk down to a person. You can not make someone the butt of your jokes. You can not create drama with another. You can not make someone feel less about themselves. You can not dis include someone. You can not say, "Ha oh yeah I hate you so much...Just kidding you know I love you." Because you still implied it. Why would you say something so mean, but you're kidding? What's the point? Why make someone feel bad for two seconds and then try and cover it up by "you're just kidding". It does not work that way. But instead of seeing this as all the stuff you can not do. Look at it as all the stuff you can do. You can make someone feel really good about themselves. You can encourage someone. You can start a movement. When your friends are seeing you act a different way,and treating people with respect--They will have more respect for you, and want to act the way they see you acting. They will see you grow as a person. You will be able to become someone that isn't known for being a mean, dramatic, rude person. You will be known as a person who is always nice to people and does not start drama with anyone.

This no drama is always easier to do to the people you love, but even harder to the people you do not like. The ones that you love hating, because you make yourself feel like you're better than them. Those people are the ones that you will be struggle with. To love someone when all they're doing is trying to put you down. Or the people that get on your last nerves. Why do they get on your last nerves? You compare yourself to them, and in your head you are better than them. But we are all equal in God's eyes. This will be hard. You will mess up. You just have to have the will to keep trying, and the apologies to keep coming.

So I give you this challenge just like my youth pastor gave to me. Are you up to the challenge?
^We're super excited for no drama.

If They Rip You to Shreds and Eat You, You Don't Become a Zombie

I act like the biggest four year old sometimes. I like to wrap my self up in blankets and sit up right next to the TV. I get really excited about candy necklaces. I dance in the streets. I jam out to Disney songs in my car. I show my boyfriend that little puppy face all the time. I even throw tantrums in those moments when I'm feeling moody.

Last night I acted like the biggest kid ever! My boyfriend, his friend, and I were all walking out of church when I decided to start hitting my boyfriend with my lanyard that was attached to my keys. He got all riled up and acted like he was going to do it to me. So I start running to my car and get in and lock it so they are not able to come in, but my boyfriend and his friend decide to become zombies. And not the really dumb looking zombies who just moan and groan, but they started walking all funny and charging at me. Let just say these two are really well informed on Zombies, and were able to pull off a full impression. I decide to play along, like the four year old I am. I start driving around the parking lot like a maniac. I would drive up really close to them and when I would get to close I would swerve into safeness. After a couple of minutes of this I decide to make it even more interesting. I parked right next to a car, got out and if you know anything about zombie movies that is the one thing you are not suppose to do. My plan was to get out without them noticing and hide underneath the truck I was parked next to. But they were too close and I heard the grunting coming closer. So I took off into a sprint, but this is where it came real for me. I was no longer playing along in their little game. I was running for my life. I was sprinting for the church, and I was not going to look back at my boyfriend who was sprinting towards me grunting like a zombie. I start imaging all these crazy stuff, and it becomes real to me. It felt like I was actually running away from a zombie. (They are really well informed on zombies. )
Once I get into the church my boyfriend and his friend do not come to the church instead they turn around and go to my car. And then shooot! I just remember...
My car is not locked. So I sprint up the stairs where I know people will be. Once I get there I'm so out of breathe trying to tell my story, when Michelle says, "How do you become a Zombie?" And me being so well informed, because I watch zombie movies with my boyfriend on a daily basis that I tell her. If they rip you to shreds and eat you, you do not become a zombie, but if they just bite you and move on to something else, you become a zombie.

So this is what I get for acting like a four year old. I end up scaring the crap out of myself.
And do not worry this story ends with me returning to my car and they some how become all good again, and then when we are all in the car they attack me Ha! I think my boyfriend is as much as a four year old I am!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

We Don't Strive to Become Clark Kent

Who you are as a person is always changing. A big change, like going from being depressed to seeing life in a whole different way or a small change where instead of eating lucky charms for breakfast you decide to eat smore poptarts--Either way you are changing.

I've changed as a person so many times in my life that I can not even recall most of the times. I like to compare it to Clark Kent/Superman. Most people would say these are the two same people. Yes in the bodily way--correct, but think--isn't Clark different when he is superman. Superman is so much more of a brave, outgoing, and strong(physically & mentally. Ha!) type of person compared to Clark. Who in reality is just a shy and overlooked type of man. When someone asks you who you want to be, you do not say, "Oh yeah I want to be that Clark Kent guy." You go for the more liked, more attractive, more well known guy. You pick superman.

So when we as humans are developing and growing as people in who we are, we have to think. Who do we want to become? And also how are you going to become that person you want to be?

The people you surround yourself with influence you more than you realize. Yes, your parents are right. No matter how much you want to disagree with them. I know I was in the same boat. I had a friend who for about 6 months of my life was taking me down the wrong path. My mom kept telling me not to hang out with the girl. That she was bad news. I eventually realized who I was becoming, and it was not superman. It was more of the scary looking penquin guy. I now surround myself with friends who I can count on, and challenge me to make the right decisions in life. You can not go through life all by yourself. We as humans desire the need for relationships, and why settle for a relationship that is going to make you seem like the villian, in all those DC comics. Your friends are the one's who you see everyday. They're the ones that help or hinder you. They are the ones you see, and model yourself after without even realizing it. Your best friend, your boyfriend/girlfriend, the group of friends you choose to hangout with on the weekends. They are the ones you try to impress. We all do it. We all go out on a limb and want our friends to like us for who we are. We all want to be liked. Not saying that we will change who we are, just so our friends like us. But the opinion of your friends matter. So ask yourself this question.
Are your friends helping you to become the superman you want to be?
Monday, March 1, 2010

My Furture Life

^ When I'm this old this is what I want my
husband and me to be like.Except for the fact
that I do not play the piano, or plan on learning
to do so anytime soon.

When I'm old I want to be the lady that you come over to her house cause she is so hilarious. I want to be the lady that, when her grand kids come over they know that "Big Mama" has some yummy fresh baked cookies for them when they arrive. I want to be the little old lady you walk past and say,"She is the cutest old thang ever!" I want to be the grandma that tells really exaggerated stories about my past as a youngin.

But most importantly I want to be that little old lady who has a cute little old man. I must admit I already have an old man obsession. I want my husband and I to be that couple in the grocery store who still hold hands like newly weds. I want to come home after a day full of athletic outings ,where I just beasted 50 year olds in a game of soccer, and see that my grandpa of a husband still went out and bought me flowers and we then indulge in a 40 minute make out session. (Yeah me and my husband still got it) I want to be the couple that still gets really competitive about sports even though we are old. This is the relationship I see myself having when I'm 73.

About Me

United States
I'm your average Midwest teenager trying to get through life without too many bumps and bruises. Follow me on my daily adventures(:

My Followers(: