Sunday, February 28, 2010

6 inches

6 Inches of Frustration
dedicated to: Danch

You know those things that happen in your life, that can just make your day suck. Well i'm experiencing one of those lovely moment right now. These incidents can help you learn about yourself for other people--But yet leave you feeling like you want to punch a large, gigantic hole in the wall.

Usually these incidents happen when you least expect it. For example, you were talking to a friend in math class, and she reminds you how horrible you did on that last test. Well that probably did not make you feel to good, and it leaves you with a feeling of pure anger and questions. Why would she make feel bad? Why would she bring that up to me when she know I already feel like crap about the situation? If she is my friend, she would not say this. Or here is another example. Your mad about how someone is treating you, and they will not listen to what you have to say. You feel so upset and unheard that you can not help but to have it affect you the rest of the day.

This is where my story comes in. I went to go say hello to a friend of mine at church. Not something that is too out of the ordinary, because I love conversing with my friends. That one certain question came, that we all dread when were not in a good mood. It's the question that to a perfectly good stranger you can pull of a "I'm doing good" and they will not think two seconds about it. Yet, it's the question, that too a true friend--they can tell you're lying straight through your teeth.
My friend asks me the question, and I debated whether or not I should try and pull off the "I'm good" and sulk in my frustration or actually be straight up with her.
So I decided to tell her the truth. That I was pissed.
She asked me how frustrated I really was. I thought this through and said that I was probablly only half frustrated. She then continued by asking how much is half? We came up with this "6 inches" thing. That fully frustrated is one foot, and since I was only half frustrated then I must only have 6 inches of frustration.
I also discussed the fact that there was possibly something that I was waiting on that could effect me and this one foot theory. This possible situation, that I knew might occur was worth 6 inches of frustration to me. For all you people who were the person in the first example above, that would put me at a full foot.
We debated that once at a full one foot, nothing else could frustrate me, else my frustration would be put over the top. So my friend suggested that I only make it 5 inches so there was room for more frustration. But my response made me wonder. I told her that I had already made agustments. That I had already downgraded the inches. That there was no more room for change in a lower amount. That this thing that had made my day to good to horrible was already affecting me and my emotions. I could not just become less frustrated, because I wanted too make room for other things that could go wrong today. But couldn't I? Am I capable of not thinking about what is making me so frustrated, so it does not ruin my day. That instead of 6 inches I make it worth about 2 inches or better yet 1 or 0 inches. That I forget about it completely until I need to deal with it later with that person. Why should I make it ruin my day? Why can't I let go of the drama for 6 or so hours and enjoy the day instead of harping on what has happened.

Letting it go I think is better than making the rest of your day suck. Yet, not dealing with it all is even worse.
So you decide. Are you going to let your frustration control you? Or are you willing to control it?

^my shoes I wore bowling yesterday : )


Rachel said...

you put it into words well. somethings are worth letting them just roll, and not worry, others are worth a genuine conversation.

lizz said...

love it. i love our senario's we came up with.
"what if i punched you in the face?".

sweet kicks.

jordan said...

my punch is only worth one inch..while yours, lizz, is worth two.

a.k.a. kathryn would rather me punch her in the face than you.
i do believe my punch would hurt more though. ;]

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I'm your average Midwest teenager trying to get through life without too many bumps and bruises. Follow me on my daily adventures(:

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