Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Day In My Life

5:35 a.m.
I groggily get out of my oh so comfy bed, that is requesting my presence once again. I decline, and as I get out of bed I regret that decision almost immediately.

5:36 a.m. The annoying buzzing noise is still going off, and I press my favorite button in the whole wide world, "SNOOZE". I then give in to my bed's request. I fall back asleep for the next best ten minutes of my life.

5:50 a.m. Moist, uncomfortable, yellow stain--crap not again.
Just Kidding : )

6:30 a.m I'm done getting ready, and already exhausted from all the unnecessary effort. I am almost tempted to get back to sleep for a few more minutes of rest. Then I hear my mother nagging for me to finally come eat. Because she, like every morning, reminds me how important breakfast is to a growing girl. I walk down the stairs and get that extra energy boost that my mom says I desperately need.

6:5o a.m. I'm driving to school--fully awake now. I deny that it is because of the breakfast, because I'm a teenager and need to reject all ideas coming from the parental unit. I'm jamming to my current favorite song, "I Wanna Hippopotamus For Christmas."
Again Just Kidding.

7:01 a.m. Parked. Dreading the fact that I have to get out of my car and walk towards school that is going to give me hours of homework, drama, and frustration.

8:35 a.m. Discovered there is going to be a physics test tomorrow. I'm not prepared. This is when the hair pulling starts.

12:07 p.m. I begin to get hungry, because the over achiever I am, did not schedule to have a lunch this year. By this time I frantically search around for anyone who has anything I can survive on.

1:30 p.m. School is so close to being over that I'm about to go dance in the hallway and shout with joy, but instead I go to my locker and catch up with my boyfriend of one year.

2:38 p.m. It's over finally! I meet up with my friends, Andy & Tarah, who evidently are having the same issue with one of our teachers, and we discuss our frustrations for another five minutes.

(Depending on the day I usually spend and hour and a half of my time working out or going to work after school.)

5:56 p.m. I've already distracted myself with Facebook and food when I realize the next thing I know I need to do is my homework.

6:00 p.m. I decide to call Jessie and have a study party. We decide to go to her house and do homework.

11:49 p.m. Finished all homework and Jessie's refrigerator contents, when I realize I did not study for my Physic's test.

12:40 p.m. Accidentally fall asleep on my physics book just so I can wake up and start all over again....


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United States
I'm your average Midwest teenager trying to get through life without too many bumps and bruises. Follow me on my daily adventures(:

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