Friday, February 26, 2010

God in My Life

Dear Jesus,
I have not been keeping up with our relationship. You are the one I am suppose to go to. You are my Advisor, Father, Keeper, and Forgiver. I have lost my urge, my will, my need. I want so badly to be with you again. I was at this spiritual high which seemed like it went on forever. The school year started, and things began to take up my time. I began to focus only on you when it was convenient. I began to make you something I would get back to later. I said I wanted to have the relationship like I use to, but I told myself I would get the things I wanted done first. The more I put you off, the less likely I was going to start again. This made me afraid. I go to church on Wednesdays and Sundays, and I feel this need to have a relationship with you again. Yet, I still decide that even thou I love you and worship you I fail to have the relationship. I'm not being the leader I want to be. I'm not showing you how much you mean to me. How can I say you are all I ever want, when I can not even set some time for you in my life? I feel this aching feeling inside of me, and I want so badly just to have a strong relationship with you again. Why do I keep putting you off, when you are what I need right now? Right now I could use some will power. I pray that I will get out of this funk, and we can go back to normal. I will forever love you, and keep you on my mind. You are almighty. You are the power. You will always be my guide.

Love Your Daughter,


Rachel said...

I love your honesty (and that pic is cool).

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I'm your average Midwest teenager trying to get through life without too many bumps and bruises. Follow me on my daily adventures(:

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