Saturday, May 22, 2010

Far Far Away...

So I am pretty sure school makes me feel like I could swallow a pound of rusty nails.
The fact is I usually enjoy school. Or well I am able to get through school without having a scrutinizing thought pass through my mind, but lately school has been a trek.
The end is so near that I just want to runaway for thirteen days, and come back and school could be over with.

I could see it now going to a far away place (like in Shrek) and staying there and having amazing adventures. I would bring someone along. Possibly several. We could go wrestle alligators, save princesses from evil dragons, fight off evil, save man kind from some kind of disaster, or possibly invent a new word. Either way we would not need to try and hustle to get our grades up, lose sleep and mess up your normal sleeping pattern ( instead of sleeping at night, you sleep in each one of your classes), study and memorize a million and one things for finals, and overwork your mind until it is a pile of mush just sloshing around up there.
We could save humanity, because the sloshing around brains never fully recover and year after year we send young adults into the world with oatmeal looking brains to go out and fend for themselves. These people then birth another generation which starts the cycle all over again.

So I think for the sake of humanity the last 13 days of school be cut out and all the kids go to a far far away place and do crazy adventures.

About Me

United States
I'm your average Midwest teenager trying to get through life without too many bumps and bruises. Follow me on my daily adventures(:

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